Attendance Policy

Attendance is the number one predictor of a student’s success in school.

Parents are required to submit an absence/tardy excuse online via Dashboard within three days of his/her return from an absence. If an online excuse is not received within three days, the school will deem the absence unlawful. State auditors require these notes to be on file for cross-reference with recorded absences. Students arriving tardy to school or after homeroom MUST report to the Attendance Office.

Please click here to find instructions for submitting online attendance excuses in Dashboard.

A medical excuse signed by a physician may be requested in cases of excessive or extended absences.

Students absent for a half day or more on the day of a school event may not participate in that athletic or extracurricular event without an online excuse with an attached note from a physician.

Parents DO NOT need to call the Attendance Office if their child is sick and staying home. An online excuse can be submitted.

Parents/Students should refer to Schoology to check assignments when absent from school. If your child will be out for an extended period of time due to illness, you should contact the school nurse.

For all other inquiries regarding attendance, please contact the attendance office secretary. The attendance office email address is



Jefferson Middle School
21 Moffett Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
(412) 344-2120