Principal's Message
As the Principal of JMS, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead a team that provides exceptional educational experiences for the students at JMS.
I am proud of our school, our students, our staff and the outstanding community of parents that provide wonderful support to JMS. Together we will continue to work toward our vision of "relentless pursuit of excellence."
Our educational program is rooted in our community’s respect for the dignity and integrity of all our students and families. Our shared mission, “to provide the best education possible for each and every student”, is focused on the work we do together to encourage the children to soar socially, emotionally, morally and academically.
As always, my goal this year is to continue Jefferson Middle School’s high level of excellence while finding even better ways to meet our students’ needs and providing our students with high-quality educational experiences.
I believe that a strong connection between home and school is essential for the success of our students and our school. I invite you to be an active member of the JMS community. I am looking forward to working with you this year!
Please take some time to explore our website. You will find information about the current happenings at JMS along with information about our faculty and staff, academic programs, and our PTA.
Welcome to Jefferson Middle!
Sarah Shaw, Ed.D